Kaival Dental Clinic

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On this page we will list all of the procedure we offer as part of our main treatment line. Please check in often because we will frequently update pages with new items.

Porcelain Veneers

 A veneer is a thin shell of porcelain, fabricated in the dental laboratory, that can close spaces, lengthen, shorten, or straighten teeth, and disguise discolored teeth. Sometimes, it is necessary to extend the restoration to a partial or full porcelain crown. A "smile lift" may be achieved in less than two weeks.


                     Chairside Composite Resin Restorations (fillings)                    

Composite resin restorations offer an array of benefits over traditional silver mercury fillings. Since the filling material actually adheres to tooth structure, the preparation procedures are less invasive, without pins or retentive grooves to hold the filling in place. The dentist removes only diseased portions of the tooth, leaving healthy tooth structure intact. The adhesion (bonding) process strengthens the tooth with resilient, long lasting, natural looking restorations.

Over time, amalgam (silver fillings) tend to corrode, allowing a gap, and recurrent decay, at the interface of the filling and tooth. Fillings may be replaced with new composite resins without irritation of sensitive periodontal (gum) tissue, and minimal loss of tooth structure. The natural aesthetics is a bonus.

Incipient decay may be treated with a flowable composite resin that penetrates small pits to conserve natural tooth.

Composite Resins offer an affordable alternative to crowns to replace tooth structure lost in a traumatic injury. Treatment may be done in a single visit.

                   Flowable Composite Resins and Sealants                                

Flowable composite resins are versatile materials used for a variety of restorative and preventative applications.

A significant advantage of virtually all adhesion dental procedures is conservation of tooth structure. Flowable composite resins are commonly used to penetrate small pits and grooves in teeth, avoiding the need to remove additional tooth structure to accommodate other filling materials. Containing fluoride, these agents are ideally suited as decay prevention sealants, especially for children.

Dental Sealants

Dental tooth decay is more prevalent on the biting surfaces of the posterior teeth. While the proper oral hygiene is essential to prevent decay at times the anatomy of the tooth is such that it is impossible to clean properly. Dental caries is caused by plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that occurs on all teeth. When food is eaten these bacteria eat the food and produce acid which destroys the tooth. While good oral hygiene does not let food remain in the mouth, at times it is impossible to clean the pits, fissures, and grooves of the teeth. These areas can be protected by the application of dental sealants.

Teeth Whitening

Depending on personal habits, such as smoking and drinking coffee or tea, teeth whitening procedures typically produce a desirable, often dramatic result that lasts many years. Whitening may be done alone, or integrated into an overall aesthetic treatment plan.


BriteSmile has introduced an innovative technique that can whiten teeth in about one hour. It's simple, effective, safe, comfortable, and guaranteed. In the time it takes to get a haircut, years of staining from coffee, cigarette, and red wine are erased. It's almost magical!

Treatment is performed and supervised by licensed, trained dental professionals to ensure that teeth are whitened to optimal natural whiteness. A BriteSmile dentist examines the mouth and gums to ensure they are healthy. If problems are detected, the patient is referred back to his own family dentist

Unlike contemporary bleaching procedures or home remedies, BriteSmile (Link to Teeth Whitening Center) teeth whitening is convenient, cost effective and predictable

Contemporary Bleaching

Dentist supervised teeth whitening utilizes an at-home bleaching system, most commonly with carbamide peroxide. Following an examination to determine if bleaching is appropriate treatment, a custom fitted tray is prepared from an impression. The dentist delivers the appliance with a bleaching gel and instructions to place gel in the tray and wear it one to two hours a day for one to two weeks.

Results are generally good, but success cannot be predicted. Outcomes may vary due to the nature of the discoloration and the degree of patient compliance.

Over-the Counter Bleaching

The consumer marketplace offers countless "do-it-yourself" at-home teeth whitening options, generally advertised with more hype than substance. Products are characteristically sold with toothpastes and/or mouth rinses, but are generally ineffective in bleaching teeth. Although these products use hydrogen peroxide preparations similar to those employed by dentists, in the absence of a dentist prepared custom fitted tray, at-home bleaching fails to keep the active agent directly on the teeth. Despite outlandish media claims, expectations are rarely fulfilled.


                                               Artistic Touch-Ups                                          

Stains, white spots, crooked or uneven teeth and awkward gum contours can detract from a pleasing smile. Simple corrective procedures, alone or in conjunction with other treatment, may yield immediate, dramatic results. The following "touch-ups" are samples of simple, cost effective dental artistry.

"Kaival Dental Clinic"
1, Silvernest Apt., opp Brambhatt hall,
Azad Society, Ambawadi,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380015, INDIA